Michael Montero
I am Michael Montero. I am a high school student and attend Frederick Douglass Academy II. I am a Junior and love to learn. My interests are are and I love to learn about it because there is so much to it. I am an artist myself. I draw, and paint and soon would like to get into sculpture. I like staying active. I attend many after school programs, such as boxing and martial arts. I also work out with my free time. I was a student who never liked history and never found it interesting but I am now attending Youth Historians for the 2nd year and enjoy history not only for the purpose of passing my test but for the questions that I have and knowing that everything started from a basic for or little and evolved, which truly interests me.
Why History
I love the history of art and how its been around since cavement times, in where they would draw in the cave and they didn't have the resources we have today but it still considered art. And, how it has evolved and altered in many different ways. I soon want to be a historian of culture in which I can study the arts of the world and understand where and how it evolved and even when.